Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social Influences on Sport Participation

As you grow and develop in a sport, the influence of other people will become more and more integral in determining your commitment to that sport.

For instance, in running Cross Country, the camaraderie of your teammates goes a long way towards how far you are willing to push yourself. A supportive and understanding Coach will also help you grow as an athlete. But ultimately, your true desires will unveil themselves, especially in such a sport as Cross Country. If it is not something you absolutely feel connected with, and are striving to improve in, it will be hell for you. A popular saying from my old High School team was, "Our sport is your sport's punishment!" which was true. Running has come to be looked at as something to be avoided but it is that toughness and grit that kept me coming back day after day. It is the sweat of hard work that my teammates and I experienced each day, and together we persevered when at one point or another, none of us thought we could have.

It is clear now, that although I was happy to start Cross Country, it is only because of my Father and our middle class lifestyle. Those influences are ultimately why I decided to get out and try it, because both our parents and our family's economic situations are the reason as to sport participation.

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